July 25, 2024

Sustainability is now!

Ephemere Square is a company that puts sustainability at the heart of its business. Find out how we control every stage of our products' life cycle to minimize our environmental impact.

We believe that aesthetics and eco-responsibility can go hand in hand, and our commitment to sustainable practices is visible at every stage of our production process. Thanks to this we have successfully merged innovation and sustainability.

Control of every stage in the life cycle of our products

  1. Design to reuse :
    • From delivery to operation, we take care of every stage of wood preparation. This includes cutting, sanding, palletizing and, of course, reuse. We ensure that every stage is carried out with the utmost care and in compliance with environmental standards.
  2. Commitment to eco-responsible practices:
    • Our aim is to reduce our ecological footprint by reusing our structures. As a pioneer in the adoption of more sustainable practices, we strive to lead by example in the events industry.
  3. Mission :
    • We firmly believe that aesthetics and eco-responsibility can coexist. That's why our mission is to prove that the two can go hand in hand, offering solutions that are both elegant and respectful of the environment.
  4. Wood at the heart of our business:
    • Modularity and durability are the foundations of our DNA. By using wood as our main material, we create structures that are not only beautiful but also environmentally friendly.

A sustainable, eco-conscious approach from A to Z

  1. Natural and responsible materials :
    • 70% of the wood we use comes from PEFC-certified forests in France's Massif Central region. We give preference to local, sustainable suppliers. When this is not possible, we turn to our German and Austrian neighbors, always maintaining a local approach.
  2. Local manufacturing :
    • Our products are manufactured directly in our Haute-Savoie warehouse. This authentic know-how, stemming from our mountain origins, reinforces the identity of our company and guarantees the quality and durability of our products.
  3. Giant Lego principle:
    • We say goodbye to custom-built structures in favor of modular, reusable and innovative structures. Thanks to "nut" steel connectors, our structures are easy to assemble and dismantle, guaranteeing zero waste and adapting to a multitude of needs, while reducing the environmental impact of our activity. This principle enables us to be flexible and to meet our customers' requirements while respecting our ecological commitment.
  4. Maintenance and quality:
    • After each event, our products are systematically reconditioned on our premises to guarantee optimum quality every time. By choosing highly resistant materials such as wood and steel, we ensure maximum longevity of our products, reducing the need for new production and promoting responsible use of resources.

BCorp Certification: A Global Commitment to Sustainability

Our commitment to sustainability is at the heart of our fundamentals and is reflected in our BCorp certification. This internationally recognized certification attests to our commitment to making a positive impact at every level of our business. Based on rigorous criteria, it assesses companies according to five main pillars:

Governance :‍

We adhere to transparent and ethical management practices. Our governance is structured to ensure that every decision we take promotes the well-being of all our stakeholders, from our employees to our customers and partners.

Team :

We value our employees by providing a safe, inclusive and stimulating working environment. We invest in their professional and personal development, encouraging ongoing training and fostering a healthy work-life balance.

Community :

Ephemeresquare is committed to its local community. We actively support local initiatives and work closely with local suppliers to stimulate the regional economy and reduce our carbon footprint.

Environment :

Our commitment to the environment is profound. We adopt sustainable practices at every stage of our production process and strive to minimize our ecological impact. From materials sourcing to waste management, every aspect of our business is designed to be as environmentally friendly as possible.

Customers :

We strive to exceed our customers' expectations by offering products and services that not only meet their needs, but are also responsibly and sustainably manufactured. Customer satisfaction and loyalty are at the heart of our mission.

This certification illustrates our desire to contribute to a better world, by placing sustainability and ethics at the heart of our business model.


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